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Frequently asked questions
Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions.
The content of an item is seen as the content of a product. You can specify the content for a specific unit. The quantity of an item is defined by the number of products. The minimum stock is also controlled by the quantity of an item. You can find out more about the minimum quantity under How do I ensure my supplies are maintained with a minimum amount?
The easiest way to do this is to create an account with Pantrist. Then your data will be saved on your account and transferred to the new phone. Alternatively, you can create a backup and import it to the new phone. How to create a backup can be found at the following link How can I back up my data?
If you are logged in, your data is automatically backed up to a database. If you are not logged in, the data is only stored on your device and will be deleted when the app is deleted. To back up your data, you can create a JSON file via the list settings and save it to a cloud of your choice, for example. If you want to reload the exact state of the list, you can load the file again in the same place of the settings. Of course, you can also do this if you are logged in and your data is backed up via the database. Note: You can only create and load from your own lists as backup. How you can open the settings of a list can be found at the point How do I rename a list?
Yes, you can disable the ads via a premium subscription. Besides disabling advertising, the subscription has other advantages, which you can see in the following link What additional features do I have with the Premium subscription?
Recipes can be imported from another website using a URL. If the import is not successful, please contact us and send us the link. You import the recipes with the following steps:
- Expand side menu
- Click on "Recipes" in the side menu
- Click on the "+" at the bottom right
- Select "Import with a URL"
- Paste the URL into the text field and press "Import recipe"
Unless the function is disabled, Pantrist creates regular backups of all lists used. These backups can be loaded in the event of data loss or accidental changes. To do this, the following steps must be followed:
- Open side menu
- Click on “Edit list” in the side menu
- Select "Import Backup" under "Manage Backup".
In the side menu, you will always see your currently selected list. By clicking on the list name, you can select another list. You can also see all your lists at a glance via the "Settings". There you just have to follow the link "Manage lists".
Products with different best-before dates or different storage locations are divided into product groups. Any number of products can be stored in each of these groups and an expiration date or storage location can be defined for each group. So if you have products with different best-before dates, you have to create a group for each of them.
- Open the details of the corresponding item
- Click on "Add product group"
- You can now enter the best-before dates individually for each product in your pantry. With a click on the individual products, you can now set the respective best before date.
Pantrist is also available as a web app. There you can log in with the same account as on your device and manage your purchases and supplies as you know them. Click here for the web app.
To manage a list with multiple people, they must first create their own account with Pantrist. You can then invite them to join your list. You can find more about this under How do I add a user to my list or share my list?
- Open the details of the corresponding item
- Click on the barcode for which you want to view the data
- Select "View data"
Logging in to Pantrist has the advantage that data is stored and cannot be lost. In addition, functions such as inviting other users to join your list are only activated after logging in.
- Expand side menu
- Click on "Login / Register" at the top of the side menu
- If no account exists yet, click on "Register now!" or on "Continue with Google" or "Continue with Facebook" and follow the corresponding steps
- If you have an account, enter the data and click on "Login"
To share your list with different devices, you need to register within Pantrist and login to both devices with the same account. More information can be found at the section How do I sign up to Pantrist?
Items can be added directly on the home page, or on the corresponding subpage (shopping list or pantry list). To add an item, you have to press the "+" button. On the shopping or pantry list, you can find the button at the bottom right. On the add page, items can be added using a barcode, by voice input or by text input only. Additionally, you can add an item via the item catalog or your history.
In the item catalog, you can store items that you buy frequently. You can then store some values there, such as a default storage location. When you open the app for the first time, this catalog is pre-filled with some items. You can delete the default items before creating your own catalog. You can find more about this at How do I delete the item catalog?
Pantrist tries to combine identical items automatically. To do this, it searches for an item with the same name or with the same barcode when adding an item. If this is the case, the data of both items are merged into one.
To change an item, you must first open the item by clicking on it. In the item details, you can edit any data. To save, you can use the button at the bottom of the page, or click on the disk in the upper right corner.
In the overview of your item catalog, you can click on the trash can icon in the upper right corner. There you can choose if you just want to delete the catalog or if you want to restore the default catalog.
First, any number of the items can be added to the shopping list using the "Add to shopping list" button in the item details. This can also be done automatically by reducing the supply and using the minimum supply level. You can find more about the minimum amount in How do I ensure my supplies are maintained with a minimum amount?
There are several ways to transfer items. The easiest way is to open the item and click on "Move to pantries". Another way is, if the separate list is used to manage the purchased items (see Configuration), to swipe to the right on the item in the overview. Then the item will be transferred to the list of purchased items. The list can be opened via the shopping cart in the bottom left corner. There, the item can be simply moved to the pantry list. If the purchased items list is disabled, a swipe to the right will either delete the item or move it immediately. This can also be configured.
Items can be marked with their own tags under "Further data". You can then search for these tags on the shopping or pantry list. The options for filtering can be found directly next to the "+" button on the corresponding page.
The categories are always managed per list. To customize them, you have to navigate to the settings of the list and click on "Manage categories". How you can open the settings of a list can be found at the point How do I rename a list?
The markets are always managed per list. To customize them, navigate to the list settings and click on "Manage markets". How you can open the settings of a list can be found at the point How do I rename a list?
The pantries are always managed per list. To change them, you have to navigate to the settings of the list and click on "Manage storage cabinets". How you can open the settings of a list can be found at the point How do I rename a list?
The units of measure are always managed per list. To adjust them, you have to navigate to the settings of the list and click on "Manage units of measure". How you can open the settings of a list can be found at the point How do I rename a list?
Pantry management
You can see your best before date on the Pantrist homepage. There you will always see at the top the item that will expire next or has already expired.
The minimum amount is set for each item itself. This ensures that the item is automatically added to the shopping list when the available quantity falls below the set value. Thus, it can't be forgotten to refill the stocks.
- Navigate to the "Pantry List"
- Click on the item that should be permanently in your pantry
- Click on "Manage minimum amount" under the section "Products"
- Select the quantity in which the item should always be available
- Click on the "Disk" in the upper right corner
Premium subscription
Sometimes it can happen that the subscription is not correctly linked to your account. To solve the problem, you can click on the "Restore purchase" button at the bottom of the premium page. If this does not solve your problem, please contact us via the contact form or by email!
To cancel your subscription, you need to do it yourself in your Play Store or App Store. To be redirected directly to the subscription, you can click on "Manage Subscription" at the page where you made the subscription. You should be redirected directly to your store. Also, we would really appreciate it if you let us know what you missed about Pantrist. Thank you very much!
The Premium subscription is used to support Pantrist and unlocks some features which cost us more than the usual features. The following features are included
- No advertisement
- More than two lists at the same time
- Custom photos for items and supermarkets
Your subscription is always related to your account at Pantrist. That means, if you have multiple devices with the same account, the normal single license is sufficient. If you also want to give Premium to your family via your own account, you can do this via the license for two or five users.
You can find the page to buy the premium version directly in the side menu.
Pantrist causes monthly costs for us, which have to be covered by the revenues. With a one-time payment, there is a risk that these costs cannot be covered any further. The premium subscription is also intended more as a way to support the Pantrist project. We try to make as few functions as possible dependent on it, and only do so for functions that cause relatively high costs (such as uploading your own images).
List management
After registration and login in on multiple devices, you may encounter this error. When logging in on a device, you will be asked if you want the list stored locally on the device to be associated with your account. If this is affirmed, it can happen that on both devices the new (probably empty) list is selected as default list. The list must then be changed back to the old list, or the new (empty) list must be deleted. This can be done via the list element in the side menu under the profile.
- In the side menu, click on "Edit list" next under the list name
- Click in the upper field and adjust the name
- Click on the "Disk" in the upper right corner
The function to invite users to your list is only activated after a registration. Please note that Firefox disallows opening links in the app by default (see Firefox Links). You can find more about the login in the section How do I sign up to Pantrist?
- In the side menu, click on "Edit list" next under the list name
- Under the item "Authorized users" click on "Add user to list"
- Select permissions for the user to be invited (a "User" can use the list normally, an "Admin" can additionally manage the users)
- Click on "Invite user" and share the text through any platform
- The invited user must now click on the link and open the app
- A popup opens where the synchronization must be confirmed